These are:
- Malaysians act only after a tragedy occurs, faster if the victims are rich.
- Many Acts and Regulations will be passed later but to no enforcement.
- We have short term memory, we will soon forget about the whole issue in say three months time.
- Politicians take the opportunity in this tragedy to promote themselves.
- Some of the victims are unappreciating lots.
- Some of those who helps come with the intention to loot
- Many will take this example to further enforce their reasoning why development should not be done elsewhere at slopes.
The same thing is happening in Bukit Antarabangsa. These victims must have done something wrong that they are being punished this way, that is what we say for the soul to handle such complex issues.
Nevertheless, some other people harp on this very tragedy to justify their action. No development is to be done on slopes, they say. We do not want the same thing happens to Bukit antarabangsa happens to us. Funny thing is the slopes has been used in Mont Kiara, Pantai Dalam, Fraser Hills and the rest for many years yet the development there are still steady. Yet in Bukit Antarabangsa, the tragedy happened twice in the last 17 years.
The engineers can do wonders but it is up to us to ensure that the condition remain as it is. Unscrupulous developments and lack of proper maintenence is the cause of these problems. At least tthet is what I think.
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